After two excellent days sailing with north east winds between 10 and twenty knots Reflections iV raced along and delivered us Hayman Island at the top of the Whitsundays at 4am this morning. A full moon and Emily worked together to sight a mooring which we picked up and now after bit more sleep we are off for a snorkel.
The sailing as I said, went well and the girls were a big help furling sails as several unsuccessful strikes on the fishing lure broke up the day. Yesterday we passed close to a large reef quite a way offshore and anchored adjacent to go for a swim/snorkel. The tide was high and with no reef or land visible, it was quite an unnerving experience for the girls to swim out off the boat in the open sea, so to speak.
Last night had stronger wind and we reefed down to slow the boat down to arrive just on light, but the boat seems to be in a fast sailing mood as we still held 6 knots with two reefs in and the cutter flying in only twenty knots.
Will deliver the girls to Airlie either this afternoon or tommorrow and then look for some crew to go further south.