
This web log contains the website content for our journeys on Reflections IV from April 2000 to December 2008.
Click there to start at the start.
Col, Liz, Courtney & Anna

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Almost to the tip of Borneo after a very nice day.

Left Usukan Bay after a rolly night. The swell is about a metre and comes for the NW so get into the bay. Not too bad. Slow sail out in the morning on a light land breeze then motored for three hours til the sea breeze came up steady and light and we sailed along at 5-6knots under idyllic conditions. Liz spent a huge day cooking three loaves of bread and two pizzas. Then we caught a lovely big Spanish mackerel so we won't starve.

Lots of lightning around and the wind is building, so a storm tonight is likely. We're anchored on the northern side of a headland as most of the weather comes from the south west this time of year but tonight it's looking like something will come out of the north.

Time will tell.

Colin and the girls

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