
This web log contains the website content for our journeys on Reflections IV from April 2000 to December 2008.
Click there to start at the start.
Col, Liz, Courtney & Anna

Saturday, August 18, 2007

In Darwin

Terrible rough weather for last 12 hours with 30+ knots of wind as we motored into Darwin Harbour. Now tied up on quarantine jetty and need to leave boat here as they have put biocides into our water inlets. Tomorrow will move to a marina.

Customs and Quarantine were very friendly and relazed, and only asked questions and had a cursory look around. Took only the very minimum of food from us. Nice to be stopped.

Time to go to town and check out Darwin. Very pleased with ourselves after completing a 2000 mile passage with few problems and only the occasional family spat aboard.

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